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发布日期:2025-01-04 16:09    点击次数:165
翻译天堂  2016-11-11 最后是日报热词 1重型运载火箭:heavy-lifet carrier rocket 2 资产泡沫:asset bubble/债务风险:debt risks 3个人信息:personal information 4歼-20隐形战机:J-20 stealth fighter jet 5医疗机构和人力资源服务:medical institutes and human-resource services 6理财型保险:wealth management insurance 7 远光灯:full-beam headlights/high beams/近光灯:dipped beams/low beams 8卵子黑市:underground market for human eggs 9闺蜜干政:confidante suspected of intervening into state affairs 1党内监督:intra-Party supervision 2 永远在路上:Corruption Fight Is Always Underway 3国产航母:domestically manufactured aircraft carrier 4第二次污染源普查:second national census of pollution sources 5高收入人群:high-income group 6金融科技:financial technology/fintech 7爬树课程 tree-climbing course 8滑稽表情抱枕:"Funny" emoji-based bolsters 1用意志和勇气谱写的人类史诗:human epic composed of will and courage/人类为追求真理和光明而不懈努力的伟大史诗:an epic of mankind's unremitting efforts to pursue truth and brightness 2 自动对接:automatic docking 3流动人口:migrant population 4互联网保险:online insurance 5冰雪项目:ice and snow sports 6拐骗儿童:to traffick children/致人残疾:maiming/毁容:disfiguring/囚禁:keep sb.captive 7雾霾净化塔: smog free tower 8双边关系的全面改善:full improvement of bilateral ties 1统计造假:Fake statistics/fraudulent data/manufactured statistics 2 P2P网络借贷:peer-to-peer online lending/股权众筹:equity-based crowdfunding/通过互联网开展资产管理及跨界从事金融业务:cross-border financial and asset-management services on the Internet/第三方支付:third-party payment/互联网金融领域广告:Internet finance advertising 3亿万富豪财富代际移交:inter-generational billionaire wealth transfer 4涂鸦:graffiti,具体的行为可能包括:scribble/ scrawl(乱写)、 scratch(乱刻)、doodle(乱画) 5分享冰箱:share fridge/食物银行:food bank 6下一任联合国秘书长:next Secretary-General of the UN 7电池爆炸 :exploding batteries/召回:recall/全面停售: stop all sales 8闪崩:flash crash 1中央全面深化改革领导小组:a central leading team for "comprehensively deepening reform,l879y7bvh 2 500米口径球面射电望远镜: Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope(FAST) 3故宫:Palace Museum/紫禁城:the Forbidden City/断虹桥:the Broken Rainbow Bridge/十八槐古迹:the Eighteen Ancient Pagoda Trees 4鸽子房/鸽笼房/蜗居: pigeonhole/胶囊公寓:capsule apartment/柜族:cupboard tribe/蛋屋:egg house 5网购退货办法草案:draft refund policy for online shopping 6俄罗斯冰激凌热:Russian ice cream craze 7免费退货政策:free-of-charge return policy/free refunding policy 1联合国大会:theUN General Assembly/联大一般性辩论:the general debate of the UNGA/联合国难移民和持续发展问题会议:the UN conferences on refugees, immigration and on sustainable development. 2 农业户口:rural hukou/宅基地:homestead 3“海上联合防卫行动”:joint maritime defense operation 4电信诈骗:telecom fraud/scam/受难群众:fraud victim 5电子证据:electronic evidence 6冲绿灯:running the green light/冲黄灯:running the yellow light 7免费退货政策:free-of-charge return policy/free refunding policy 8幽灵车:ghost ride/幽灵司机:ghost driver 8和平分手:peaceful divorce/不可调和分歧irreconcilable differences 1联勤保障部队:joint logistic unit 2 “天宫二号”空间实验室:Tiangong-2 space lab 3国家基因库:national gene bank/pool 4空铁列车:sky train 5提取服务费:service fees for cash withdrawals 6超强台风:super typhoon 7自行车出租服务:bike rental service/bike-lending service 8放生:life-releasing/life release 1《杭州共识》:Hangzhou Consensus 2 东盟10+3机制/ASEAN 10+3 mechanism/务实合作:practical cooperation 3隐性饥饿:hidden hunger 4机遇之都:cities of opportunities 5寨卡风险:Zika risk 6电子竞技运动与管理:electronic competitive sports and management 1狂人按照时间表路线图推进改革:established timetable and road map 2G20机制:the G20 framework 3自贸试验区:pilot free trade zone 4环境保护税法:environmental protection tax law 5电动滑板车:electric scooter 6电信诈骗:telecom fraud 7奥斯卡终身成就奖:lifetime-achievement Oscars 8CEO培训班:CEO course 9罢黜总统:removal from office/removed from office 1奥林匹克精神(the Olympic spirit):相互了解、友谊、团结和公平竞争的精神(mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play) 2量子实验卫星:quantum experiment satellite 3国内漫游费:domestic roaming charges 4补发工资:backdated salary/丧葬抚恤金:consolation payment/医疗费:medical fees/抚恤金:relief money 5北京镑:Beijing pound/中国购物狂:Chinsumer/行走的钱包:walking wallets 6铁榔头:iron hammer 7国务资政:state counselor 1升错国旗:raise flawed national flag 2重跑:re-run/get a second shot 3取消资格:be disqualified 4倒票:ticket scalping/票务垄断:form a cartel)/非法营销:illicit marketing 5奥运网红:Olympic Internet sensation 6比赛脸:game face 1局点:game point;  赛点:match point 2蚊帐:bed net; 拔罐:cupping 3种子选手:seeded player; 头号种子选手:top seed; 种子队伍:seeded team 4洪荒之力:prehistorical power 5破纪录:break/smash/rewrite/shatter the world record;平纪录:equal the world record 6民用航空安全:civil aviation safety 7首金:first gold medal, first medal 1海上司法主权:martime jurisdiction 2奥林匹克休战:Olympic Truce 3新增:include, add 极限运动:extreme sports 4热带气旋:tropical cyclone 5二维码:QR code 6巡游揽客: cruise on the street for customers 7停止工作:cease operation 1叫车应用:car-hailing app/出租车叫车服务:taxi-hailing service/专车:tailored taxi service/顺风车:ride sharing/快车:fast ride 2基因编辑技术:gene-editing technique/规律成簇的间隔短回文重复:Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats(CRISPR) 3“高烤”天气:barbecue heat 4酷热:sizzling/severe heat/烈日、骄阳:scorching sun/炎炎夏日:blistering summer day/灼热的太阳:torrid sun 5二孩经济:second-child economy/婴儿市场:baby-care market 6女总统候选人: femail presidential candidate 7核心互联网业务:core Internet business 1积水路段("积水潭"):waterlogged road sections 2学术不端行为:academic misconduct 3人乳头状瘤病毒疫苗:Human papillomavirus(HPV) 4电影版权:film right/现实增强游戏:augmented reality game, AR game 5中式数学教育:Chinese method of maths teaching/英式数学教育:British method of maths teaching 6意向性投票: straw poll/不记名投票:secret ballot 7田径禁赛:athletics ban 1《中国坚持通过谈判解决中国与菲律宾在南海的有关争议》白皮书:white paper of China Adheres to the Position of Settling Through Negotiation the Relevant Disputes Between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea 2一专多能:versatile teacher 3断奶:be weaned from milk 4同胞竞争障碍症:sibling rivalry disorder 5北京瘫:Beijing repose 6恐怖袭击:terror attack/紧急状态:state of emergency 1不忘初心:stay true to the mission 2国内生产总值核算:GDP calculation 3抢险救灾任务:perform flood relief work 4打击网络虚假新闻:crack down on online fake news 5冻酸奶:frozen yogurt/fro-yo 6blind date lie:相亲谎言 7ROM brain:死脑筋 1中国共产党建党95周年:the 95th anniversary of the founding of CPC 2民法典: civil code 3南海仲裁案裁决:an award on the South China Sea case 4长征七号运载火箭:the Long March 7 carrier rocket 5双创人才:innovative and entrepreneurial talent 6千禧一代:millennials 7冻胚胎移植:frozen embryo transfer 8(梅西)退出国家队:quit/retired from national team 1(经济)L型走势:L-shaped growth 2上海迪士尼乐园:Shanghai Disneyland 3业务转型:business model shift 4在线视频直播:live video streaming/主播:hostee 5门票:charge admission fee 6导游自由执业:freelance tour guide 7校园欺凌:school bullying 8单间隔断: partition 9弹劾:impeachment/停职:suspension or suspend 1龙卷风/冰雹:tornado and hailstorm 2塑胶跑道: synthetic racetracks/有毒操场:toxic sport ground 3A股纳入MSCI:China A-shares inclusion proposal to MSCI/金融改革:financial reform 4公务接待:official banquets/酒桌文化: drinking culture 5校园贷:campus loan/无担保、无抵押,当日放款:no guarantee, no collateral, loan granted on the day of application 6G20蓝:G20 blue/防治空气污染规划:plans to restrict air pollution 7英国脱欧/Brexit,Brixit/芬兰退欧:fixit 8(产品)大卖:smash hit 1宏观经济政策:macroeconomic policy/投资协议:investment treaty/工业产能过剩: industrial overcapacity/贸易纠纷: trade disputes 2中国制造2015: Made in China 2015/工业4.0: Industry 4.0 3困境儿童:children in difficulty 4无人机紧急救援队:unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) emergency rescue team 5宜居城市: livable city 6大规模枪击案: Mass shooting 7严重暴力冲突: mayhem 1G20峰会倒计时100天: 100-day coutdown  to the G20 summit 2价格改革:pricing reform 3不文明行为: inappropriate public manners 4预装:ship/pre-install 5种族歧视:racial discrimination 6家庭暴力: domestic violence/spousal support:配偶赡养费 6管教孩子:child discipline 1快速高架公交: Transit Elevated Bus 2防止作弊: fight cheating 3地面臭氧:ground-level ozone 4行邮税:postal article tax 5付费网络直播:live webcast 1安珀警戒:AMBER Alert 2铁路运行图:railway operating plan 3诉讼调解中心:mediation and litigation center 4驾照考试改革:reform of issuing driving license 5空难:plane crash/aviation accident 1(经济)L型走势:L-shaped growth 2上海迪士尼乐园:Shanghai Disneyland 3业务转型:business model shift 4在线视频直播:live video streaming/主播:hostee 5门票:charge admission fee 6导游自由执业:freelance tour guide 7校园欺凌:school bullying 8单间隔断: partition 9弹劾:impeachment/停职:suspension or suspend 1盐业体制改革方案:reform plan for the salt industry system 2竞价排名:paid list practice 3窄带物联网:Narrow Band Internet of Things, NB-IoT 4购物欺诈:shopping scam 5叫车司机劫杀乘客:hailing-carjacking 6奇葩公司名:bizarre company name 7退选:exit/drop out of/pull out of 8山火:wildfire  

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